Tag Archives: dismantle

Pathetically Protecting the Palestinian Myth: Palestinians Blame Israel For the Fogel Family Murders

UPDATE: Israeli Border Police intercept Palestinian terrorists at Salem checkpoint carrying pipebombs and weapons. TODAY’S BLOG: Amjad Awad was sentenced today for the barbaric stabbing slaughter of the Fogel family of Itamar: Hadas (3 months), Elad (4), Yoav (11), and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged act of resistance, aid and support, al hayat, al jadida, amjad, as they sleep, awad, awarta, Barghouti, blame, border, burn tree, butcher palestinians, cast aspersons, cemetary, checkpoint, children, column, concerns, death penalty, dismantle, editor, elad, extremist, family, Fogel, freedom, hadas, hafez, heartless, hebron, heinous, hevron, humanitarian, IDF, in the heart, Israel, israelis, isreal, itamar, january 16 1997, jeopardize, Jewish, judea and samaria, khirbet yanun, life sentences, lovers, meaningless, military headquarters, mistake, money, mount of olives, murder, murders, myth, nationalities, occupation soldiers, olive harvest, other, Palestinian, pathetic, pipebombs, plot of land, police, political, prisoner exchange, public relations, races, religions, ruthie, salem, settlers, stabbing children, sunday, terrorists, this day in israeli history, tuba zangaria, udi, vandalize, weapons, west bank, yoav, zealous | Comments Off on Pathetically Protecting the Palestinian Myth: Palestinians Blame Israel For the Fogel Family Murders