Tag Archives: draconian restrictions

Pray For The Pollards!

Wednesday, Yom Reva’i 2 Kislev 5781 November 18, 2020   The Photo of the Day Here we are on the 2nd of Kislev, the month of Chanukah—the holiday we celebrate because of the Maccabees retaking the Temple Mount and ridding it … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2 kislev, a handcuffed Jew, And the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion, arrested by an Israeli policeman, because of the Maccabees. retaking the Temple Mount, between Itamar and Elon Moreh, bow on the Temple Mount, CEO of Etihad Group, Covid-19 update, draconian restrictions, drive-by shooting between Na’ala and Talmon, esther pollard, etihad, golan heights, hanukah, hanukkah, he bowed toward the holiest place in Judaism, in 168 BCE, in prayer and supplication, Jonathan Pollard, karmei tzur, Luban a-Sharqiya, Muhammad al-Buluki, national day of prayer, on the Temple Mount, one by one, ridding it of the infidel idolaters, shiloh, syrian soldiers killed, tekoa, The “daily” Corona, the Dome of the Rock, the Foundation Stone, the Halhul Junction, the holiday, the month of Chanukah, The situation today is the same as it was 2188 years ago, the year before the Maccabees took control of Judea. Jews cannot pray, under the Kipat HaSela, we celebrate, we will unite the whole house of Israel, working in concert with the Islamic Wakf | Comments Off on Pray For The Pollards!