Tag Archives: drizzle

Whatever Happened To “Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick”?

UPDATE: Now that the rains are temporarily over, the drizzle resumes. Mortars fired by Palestinian terrorists into the Nahal Oz area yesterday and this morning. TODAY’S BLOG: What has happened to Israel’s leaders? Whereas there was a time that Israel’s … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1824, 1848, address, all options, american, approach, arabs, bank, Barak, benny, big, bombastic, carry, chief, consul, counterproductive, crosby, defense, different, dire, drizzle, east, essayist, foreign minister, franco, frattini, gantz, Gaza, grand island, hamas, hollow, homeland, IDF, iran, islamic, italian, James Madison, Jerusalem, Jewish, jewish communities, jewry, jews, John Adams, journalist, middle, minister, mordecai noah, mortars, Nahal Oz, new york, new york county, november 23, on the table, original, Palestinian, playwright, plo, public, rains, ramallah, rebuild, relief, repercussions, settlements, settlers, sheriff, speak softly, speech, statements, stick, street, temple, terrorists, thanksgiving, Thomas Jefferson, threats, tiberias, tunis, u.s., update, upstate, west, world, Zionist | Comments Off on Whatever Happened To “Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick”?