Tag Archives: economic disaster

A Black Day in Judea and Samaria

Yom Chamishee Thursday 5 Tevet 5782 December 9 2021     The Amazing Photo of the Day Amazing Video of the Day As mentioned above, yesterday was very stormy with high winds and rain. But that didn’t stop surfers from hitting the waves out … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged ahula park, area c, ashdod, bennett, black azania, Cairo, chocolate covered marshmallow, comparison between Jews and Palestinains, crembo, deficit, dignitaries, economic disaster, eu, european union, gantz, high winds, Israeli exports are in danger of collapsing in the face of the dollar crisis, judea and samaria from israel, krembo, lapid, Netanyahu, no budget for transportation project, nosedive, president, prime minister, rain, Saudi Arabia, separating, shekel, sisi, strauss, surfers, unemployment, value of the dollar, wing of zion | Comments Off on A Black Day in Judea and Samaria