Tag Archives: egyptian

U.S. Middle East Policy Has Gone Bananas, Again

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time Saturday: **Despite the efforts of a mob of some 150 Palestinians, yet another recently built illegal Palestinian outpost near Shechem (Nablus) has been razed by Israeli security forces this afternoon. **Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged ahmet davutoglu, assad, bananas, bashir assad, bilateral, butchered, centrifuges, coddled, come to pass, demonstrators, diapers, dignity, egyptian, forces, foreign minister, Hezbollah, hillary clinton, Israel, Israeli, joe biden, jordanian border, Lebanon, loved, middle east, mob, monkey, morsi, munich, muslim country, nablus, negotiations, Obama, outpost, palestinian israeli peace process, palestinian people, Palestinians, pathway, peace, policy, prosperity, raped, razed, refine, refugees, security forces, shechem, space, statehood, stop, syrian, syrian territory, take responsibility, thugs, treaty, Turkish, united states, uranium, wetting, white house, women | Comments Off on U.S. Middle East Policy Has Gone Bananas, Again