Tag Archives: election commission

Israel Surrenders To Thuggery Again And Again and Again

29 Adar I 5779 6 March 2019     Picture of the Day: What you are looking at is the “latest” in explosive balloons: a cluster of balloons attached to an exploding mannikin. Note what is on the mannikin’s back–the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2 meters, april 9th election, balloons, barrage of explosive balloons, blackmail, border police, detonators, election commission, european union, exploding mannikin, gate of mercy, Gaza, hamas, high court of justice, intersection of Mishor Adumim and Nahalat Binyamin, Israel, israeli sovereignty, itamar ben gvir, jewish power, jordan, Judea, khan al ahmar, Kineret, kowtows to thugs, meretz, michael ben ari, mosque, netanyahu government, otzma yehudit, rankle Hamas, Samaria, sea of galilee, shekels, smuggle, spinelessness, temple mount, terrified, the Gaza border, turmos, usurping of Israeli sovereignty, water level, wildflowers | Comments Off on Israel Surrenders To Thuggery Again And Again and Again