Tag Archives: eli yishai

Netanyahu and Lieberman Join Forces: “Likud Beiteinu”

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Friday: Everything is back to normal here in southern Israel. In the last 24 hours, we have “only” had four mortars launched by Palestinian terrorists trying to kill us. There were also two failed launches … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged aesh atid, agudat israel, aryeh deri, attorney general, avodah, back to normal, balad, barrages, condemnation, courting, degel hatorah, demonstrations, dimona, disaffected, do nothing, dwindle, ehud barak, ehud olmert, eid al-adha, eli yishai, eretz yisrael shelanu, failed, far left, far right extremist, foreign minister, four mortars, Gaza, hadash, hamas, hatikva, herzliya, independence, indict, international, Israel, israel tv, isreal, jewish home, kadima, kindergarten, labor, launched, legal troubles, likud, likud beiteinu, likudniks, major coup, mayor, media coverage, meretz, merge, moledet, momentum, multiple clouds, national union party, nationalistic, netanyahu and lieberman, new faces, old, palestinian terrorists, peace now, political earthquake, poor families, prime time, qassams, rain down on, real possibility, reconcile, remake, reservations, right, rockets, scare away, secular, sephardic, shas, shaul mofaz, social justice, stop, taal, Tkuma, torch of the future, tzipi livni, united arab list, voters, why, yachimovich, yair lapid, yariv oppenheimer, yisrael beiteinu | Comments Off on Netanyahu and Lieberman Join Forces: “Likud Beiteinu”