Tag Archives: emotional trauma

The Absolute Insanity of the Israeli Government in Southern Israel

UPDATE 5:30 pm Israel time Sunday: The city of Jerusalem has been on special alert for a possible Palestinian suicide bomber since 3:30 this afternoon. TODAY’S BLOG: As this blog has been reporting unlike virtually any other news source, the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 350 truckloads, absolute, attacks, beds, bomb shelters, border, cement, crossing, emotional trauma, fires missiles, fuel, Gaza, gravel, hamas, humanitarian aid, IDF, insanity, isreal, Jerusalem, Kerem Shalom, mortar, november, Palestinian, rocket, rocket attacks, sanity, screeching, send supplies, sirens, southern israel, suicide attack, zero, zilch | Comments Off on The Absolute Insanity of the Israeli Government in Southern Israel