Tag Archives: eshkol region

Using Lawfare To Stop Prisoner Releases and Fraudulent NGOs

UPDATES 11 am Israel time, Wednesday, July 24 2013: *At 10:23 am–about 45 minutes ago–two more Hamas rockets were fired from Gaza by Palestinian terrorists into southern Israel’s Eshkol region. No physical injuries have been reported but there is no … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10 million shekel suit, alarm, alleged abuses, asher palmer, breaking the silence, civilians, criminal complaint, eshkol region, facebook, father, filed, former idf soldiers, fraudulent, Gaza, hamas rockets, hebron, horrific, hundreds of hours, IDF, in the name of peace, incoming rockets, jonathan, Judea, lawfare, lose control, michael, morally bankrupt government of israel, murder, netivot, ngos, not warning, overturn, painstaking, palestinian terrorists, parade, police station, prisoner releases, publicize, red siren, route 60, Samaria, shomron settlers committee, son, southern israel, statement of intent, stop, taxi, videotape, waal al arjeh, youtube | Comments Off on Using Lawfare To Stop Prisoner Releases and Fraudulent NGOs