Tag Archives: eshkol region

“According To” . . . Israel Attacks Targets in Syria Again

6 Shevat 5779 12 January 2019     Picture of the Day: It was another violent day on the Gaza border (what day isn’t?). Hundreds of projectiles including grenades, IEDs, and Molotovs were thrown at our soldiers. IDF sappers spent much of last night … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al-kiswah, attacks, barrages of missiles, Beirut hospital, damascus, dimas, eshkol region, Gaza, grenades, heart attack, Hezbollah, IDF sappers, ieds, iran, Israel, molotovs, Nasrallah, Qatar, russian military spokesman, sdot negev, Syria, turkey | Comments Off on “According To” . . . Israel Attacks Targets in Syria Again