Tag Archives: evacuated

The Price That Israelis Always Pay For A “Peace” That Never Comes

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Wednesday, October 23 2013: **Incumbents have swept to victory in Israeli municipal elections from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to Ashdod. What does it mean? People like things the way they are (and incumbents, as everywhere, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged american ally, amit ivry, ashdod, ashdod city council, Bilin, boycotted, but agreed to release them as a gesture to Kerry and Abbas, but signed the Wye and Hebron agreements, campaign, conceded, crashed, eliminated, entourage, eurovision, evacuated, FINA Swimming World Cup in Doha, funding, Gal Nevo, Gaza, gush etzion, hamas, har homa, He opposed the Oslo agreement, he opposed the Shalit deal and then embraced it warmly, he was against the disengagement from Gaza but voted in favor of it, he was against the release of prisoners who are Israeli citizens and prisoners with blood on their hands, imprisoned, increase, iranian enemy, islamic jihad, isr instead of israel, Israel, Israel can return when Palestine is free, israel concessions table, israeli flag, israeli swimmer, israelis, isreal, jerusalem area hospitals, john kerry, judea and samaria, karnit flug, kowtowing, Mada, Malmo, military wing, mohammad atzi, moran mazor, municipal elections, murders, muslim stronghold, nahum barnea, Netanyahu, never comes, non israeli, obama administration, Palestinians, pay, peace, physically threatened, plo, polling places, price, protests, Qatar, rants, released, represent israel, rescue, rocks, run a gauntlet, smashed, succumb, Sweden, swing to the left, terrorists, threats, turkey, violent attacks, voting, weakness, windshields, wounded, woundings, yair lapid, Yamam Counter-Terrorism Unit, Yariv Levin, yesh atid, Zeev Elkin | Comments Off on The Price That Israelis Always Pay For A “Peace” That Never Comes