Tag Archives: even to those right-wing members of Knesset

“A Dramatic Mistake or a Scandalous Deception”

UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Monday, October 7 2013: **The nine year old girl who was wounded Saturday evening at Psagot has been identified as Noam Glick–and she is being hailed by her father as a hero this morning for … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1.65 million Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, 1.7 million Israeli Arabs living in Israel, 20 billion shekels, 250 kph, 285 unidentified bodies, 350 km, 6.3 million Jews now living west of the Jordan River, 63 short bridges, a Jewish, a win-win answer, across the suez canal, al bereh, amir peretz, and that we have to give up Judea and Samaria for the sake of demographics is either a dramatic mistake or a scandalous deception, annex area c, appalling, approved, Arab birthrate drops, arab neighborhoods, areas a and b, bar ilan university, beersheva to eilat, built by chinese, canard, cargo line, celebrations, chest, community, de facto state of palestine, democratic, demographic information, divided again, dna testing, dramatic mistake, Egypt, egyptian third army surrounded, eilat, embracing, ending the refusal to recognize the right of the Jews to a homeland of their own in the land of their fathers, even to those right-wing members of Knesset, fired 3 shots, flawed, full recovery, Gaza, good answer, gunshot wound, hanegbi, hero, hilltop, humble servant, including the settlement issue, infiltration, infuriates, Israel, israel democracy institute, israel embassy, Israeli, israeli democracy index, israeli forces, israeli taxpayer expense, isreal, J Street, Jerusalem, Jewish, Jewish birthrate surges, jewish democratic, jewish values, Jews outnumber Arabs west of the Jordan River by almost 2 to 1, Mahmoud Abbas, Muslim Brotherhood, nahal tzin, neck, Netanyahu, new railway, noam glick, noams scream prevented a grave disaster, northern entrance to eilat, out of icu, overlooks, palestine, Palestinian, palestinian settlement, passenger line, plo facebook page, plo sovereignty, pro morsi, Psagot, ramallah, rot, save me, scandalous deception, shot and killed, shoulder, sniper of palestine, speech, stabbed, surgery, tells the stories of the patriots, terrorist, The claim that Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan, the glick home, the two-state solution is the only relevant solution, tired, to almost every issue including the Jerusalem issue, tunnels, tzipi livnis hatnua party, undergoing, victory, warning, washington, what do you think the preeminent value of the state of israel should be, why in the world, yisrael, yom kippur war, yoram ettinger, young people, Zionist state | Comments Off on “A Dramatic Mistake or a Scandalous Deception”