Tag Archives: false pretenses

The Kerry Signature That “Wasn’t”: Dissembling Runs Rampant in Washington

UPDATES 8:30 am Israel time, Friday, November 15 2013: **A delegation from the IDF arrived in the Philippines yesterday to begin setting up a field hospital on the typhoon-ravaged island of Cebu. When completed, the hospital will be able to … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1500 patients a day, 36 rockets at a time, a journalist with the Maariv newspaper in Israel, ability, and the Electronic Intifada and its co-founder Ali Abunimah, as many facilities, assess the health cares system, austrian airlines, automatically signed, Ben Dror Yemeni, boycott, catastrophe, Cebu, cheap fuel, Christopher Wyman in my Boston office at 617-565-8522, Code Pink and its co-founder Jodie Evans, colonel ramtin sefati, dedication, dissembling, easy jet, Egypt, false pretenses, for fuel, fork out the money, form letter, Gaza, hamas, health care law, hosni mubarak, hospital, human righs, human waste, humanitarian crisis, humanitarian march, I am writing to express my strong support for members of the humanitarian delegation from Massachusetts that will be traveling to Israel and the Palestinian Territories from December 27th to January 1, IDF, incorrect promises, iran, israelis and palestinians, kerry, letter, libya, liquid, Local authorities have asked us to assist with restoring the function of local schools since they, mavi marmara, mortar, new routes to israel, non-governmental organizations, normal price, not a political issue, open skies agreement, Philippines, President obama, rampant, raw sewage, real disaster, rocket firing launchers, Sa'ad El-Deen Al-Tbash of the Gaza City wastewater department, sderot, smuggling tunnels, solid, staff worker, Syria, trade union conditions, turkish terrorist ship, two qassam, united states senate, washington, were left without electricity or running water, world listens to our cries | Comments Off on The Kerry Signature That “Wasn’t”: Dissembling Runs Rampant in Washington