Tag Archives: fines

Promises, Promises, And More Worthless Promises

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Monday, February 10 2014: **Five hours ago, the residents of the Chof Ashkelon region just south of the city of Ashkelon were sent running to their bomb shelters by warning sirens of incoming rockets from … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 15 seconds, 17 months, 1920s, 1930s, 20 million dollars, 32 months, 5000 years ago, against israel, ahava, and stop inciting against Israel in the media, appeal, arrested, ashkelon, attempted boycotts, BDS, bds arguments, bomb shelters, british court, charged, chof ashkelon, compensation, cosmetics, covent garden, criminal trespassing, demonstrators, end legal actions against Israeli soldiers, equal burden, Erdogan, explosions, fines, fourth geneva convention, Gaza, guilty, IHH, immigrated to palestine, incoming rockets, indigenous palestinians, infamous page, inking, iran, Israel, israel giving in to, israeli children, isreal, jericho, jordan, joshua, killed by IDF soldiers as they tried to kill IDF soldiers, lead negotiator, legal maritime blockade, london, mavi marmara, monitor and to coordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza, normalize relations, off the coast of gaza, pacts, Palestinian, pass a law to stop civil lawsuits, permit turkey, promises, ptsd, rejected, relatives, resume ministerial meetings with Israelis, running, saeb erekat, Saudi Arabia, shortened, significant diplomatic contingent, southern border, stop acting against Israel in international forums, superficial gestures, sweeping ruling, terrorists, turkish terrorist ship, ultra orthodox, upheld the convictions, war crimes, warning sirens, waves of arab immigration, west bank, worthless promises, yeshivas | Comments Off on Promises, Promises, And More Worthless Promises