Tag Archives: firearms

“Bogie” Yaalon and Danny Danon Take Over the Ministry of Defense

UPDATES 6 pm Sunday Israel time: The Shin Bet report of terrorist attacks in February is out, and your humble servant believes that it is severely understated. According to Israel’s security agency, there were 139 Palestinian attacks (“rocks”, Molotov cocktails, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Ahmadinejad, amputate organs, annex, arab, area c, ariel sharon, benny gantz, bogie, cancer, chemotherapy, chief of staff, civilians, danny danon, defense, disasters, disengagement, ehud barak, february, firearms, galilee, Gaza, hard line, hardline, IDF, ieds, iranian regime, Israel, israeli citizens, isreal, Jenin, jewish community members, Judea, land of israel. jews can and should live, lieberman, middle east, minister, ministry, molotov cocktails, moshe yaalon, nablus, negev, out of control, quelling, rioters, rocks, rules of engagement, Samaria, second intifada, severed, shechem, shin bet, shooting, soldiers, solutions to cancer, stabilize, targeted, terrorist attacks | Comments Off on “Bogie” Yaalon and Danny Danon Take Over the Ministry of Defense