Tag Archives: first intifada

The Third Palestinian Intifada Has Arrived

UPDATE: (5:45 pm Monday): Two Qassams struck southern Israel on Sunday, and Israelis were assaulted in numerous rock-throwing attacks. An Israeli bus near Hevron has just been damaged by a fusillade of rocks thrown by Palestinian terrorists–fortunately no physical injuries … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Events, Featured, News, Opinions | Tagged Abbas, ahmed tibi, american, arab, ashkelon, assaulted, attacks, baseball bats, beaten, Bedouin, beersheva, border, bus, call an intifada an intifada, call to arms, cemetery, cities, cocktails, destroy, Egypt, Ein HaShlosha, eshkol, first intifada, fusillade, gate, Gaza, gush etzion, haifa, hamas, hanan zoabi, hevron, high trajectory, IDF, inch of their lives, incitement, injuries, intercepted, intifada, Israel, Israeli, israeli arabs, isreal, isreali, Jewish, Judea, launch, legislators, mahmoud, missile, molotov, mortars, mount of olives, mughrabi, muslim, Nahal Oz, neighborhoods, northern negev, off limits, Palestinian, palestinian authority, physical, plo, pounded, protect israelis, qabalan, qassam, Qatar, region, rock, rocket, rocket sirens, Samaria, sinai, skirmish, smuggled, soldiers, southern, stone, suicide, tel sheva, temple mount, the time has come, third, throwing, too dangerous, towns, two or three, undermine, vests, visiting delegation, west bank | Comments Off on The Third Palestinian Intifada Has Arrived