Tag Archives: gabriel

Catherine Ashton, Moral Equivalency, And “Children Being Murdered In Gaza”

UPDATE (6:00 pm Tuesday): Palestinian terrorists throwing “rocks” at Israeli vehicles on Route 55 near Azzun at 2:30 this afternoon. Both a missile and mortar were fired at southern Israel yesterday evening by the terrorists in Gaza.  The “ceasefire” continues. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged arieh, ashton, azzun, baroness, bay, brussels, buffoon, bullshit, but, callous, catherine, caveats, ceasefire, children, cold blooded, commissioner, condemn, craven, deserve, desire, die, dilute, dolphins, drew no parallel, e.u., emblematic, equivalent, eu, european union, evil, fabricate, favorite, fiber, foreign affairs, france, gabriel, Gaza, grossly distorted, half a decade, hamas, heinous, high representative, holocaust, horse manure, hundred, i condemn this, immoral, insignificance, iron hand, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, japanese, jews, left, liberals, lumping, lunacy, miriam, missile, monsonego, moral, moral equivalency, moral integrity, mortar, motorists, murdered, murders, no children, norway, obsessive, one basket, Palestinian, palestinian youths, pander, politician, rabbi, rocks, route 55, sandler, sickness, slaughtering, southern israel, statement, Syria, tactic, terrorists, throw, toulous, unrwa, update, withdrew | Comments Off on Catherine Ashton, Moral Equivalency, And “Children Being Murdered In Gaza”