Tag Archives: gallivanting

The Egregious Events of Yesterday and Today

Yom Chamishee Thursday 20 Nisan 5782 April 21 2022   The Quote of the Day “Fear has returned to our lives. Mansour Abbas and the Islamist Ra’am Party  set the conditions on the Temple Mount. The Bennett-Lapid-Gantz Coalition government defines the hoisting of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged alon davidi, australian dollar, bank of israel, canadian dollar, euros, flag, flag parade, foreign currency reserve, gallivanting, gantz, garage, hamas, held hostage, hoisting our flag, holocaust memorial day, interceptors, iron dome, islamic jihad, islamist party, Israel, israeli flag, Jerusalem, loosening restrictions, mayor of sderot, missile attacks, Not even Israeli cowardice will deter the terrorists from attacking, provocation, raam, sderot, shekels, the quote of the day, us dollar, video of a missile launch, yuan | Comments Off on The Egregious Events of Yesterday and Today