Tag Archives: givat

Making Lies Sound Truthful And Murder Respectable: The Slimy Deception of J Street

UPDATE: Citizens of southern Israel hit with three terrorist Qassam rockets since 5 pm Tuesday including one that struck beside a kindergarten in Sha’ar Hanegev. Alarms this morning at 6:42 for all communities near Gaza. TODAY’S BLOG “Political language is … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, adl, aid, alarms, anti, anti-peace, assistance, authority, bill, boycott, christian, citizens, communities, congress, deception, defamation, democratic, desecration, east, freedom of speech, Gaza, george, gilad, gilo, givat, hamatos, holy, homes, hospitals, Israel, Israeli, J Street, Jerusalem, Jewish, kindergarten, Knesset, language, league, lies, mahmoud, members, mission, murder, murderers, muslim, national, nations, ngo, Orwell, Palestinian, political, principles, pro-israel, pro-palestinian, pro-peace, propaganda, protect, qassam, ramallah, respectable, rockets, schalit, schools, security, settlers, shaar hanegev, Shalit, sites, slimy, southern, straight face, terrorist, tradition, truth, U.N., UNESCO, united, unrwa, violence | Comments Off on Making Lies Sound Truthful And Murder Respectable: The Slimy Deception of J Street