Tag Archives: god

The Israeli ‘Left’ Has Lost The Battle For Israel’s Soul

UPDATE: Violent clashes occurring in late afternoon between Jewish community members and Palestinians at Kedumim. Impending terrorist rocket alert (at 8:01 pm) for Eshkol and Lachish regions. TODAY’S BLOG: There has been much reportage in the last few weeks about … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged absurd, agudat yisrael, avi chai, bandon, battle, beit shean, build, cafes, center, chosen people, civil marriage, clashes, coming of the, community, culture, degel hatorah, degrade, demise, democracy, democracy versus religion, did not follow, divorced, early, earth shattering, exists, facet, failed, february 6 2002, foundation, frame, given by god, god, guttman, habayit hayehudi, hamas, hands, holidays, holocaust, in the extreme, Israel, israel democracy institute, israeli-jewish, isreal, jericho, Jewish, jewish state, jordan valley, judaism, Judea, kadima, kedumim, knee jerk, kosher, labor, leaven, left, life after death, lost, media, members, messiah, middle ages, miri ohana, moshav hamra, moshe meconen, movie theaters, murdered, observe, open, orthodox, Palestinians, passover, pesach, plo, political left, poll, prescriptions, public, public life, reaction, religion, reportage, restaurants, Samaria, secular, settlers, shabbat, shas, shock, soul, surveys, terrorist, theocracy, this date in israeli history, torah, traditional, ultra orthodox, update, values, violent, west bank, wring, yael ohana, zionists | Comments Off on The Israeli ‘Left’ Has Lost The Battle For Israel’s Soul