Tag Archives: goldblum

Caught In Another Lie: The Abominable “Breaking the Silence”

28 Cheshvan 5778 17 November 2017   Disgusting Quote of the Day “. . . applying the label of ‘anti-Semite’ to all those who oppose the existence of the State of Israel is unfair and unhelpful overreach that ignores the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1948, Amit, anti semite, armenia, Australia, avraham, booming, breaking the silence, bulldozer, China (Hong Kong), daniel, David, dean issacharoff, Denmark, economy, efrat, Finland, germany, goldblum, hariri, Hezbollah, Hungary, idf recruits, iran, iraq, Israel, j street u, Latvia, lie, Malta, mordechai, moshe, omer, oppose the existence of israel, palestinian terrorism, Panama, paraguay, Peru, Roi, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, stabbing, Switzerland, unfair, Yaakov, yitzhak, yosef, yuval | Comments Off on Caught In Another Lie: The Abominable “Breaking the Silence”