Tag Archives: grand slam judo

Profile in Courage: Judoka Tal Flicker in Abu Dhabi

9 Cheshvan 5778 29 October 2017   Quote of the Day: Early this morning, your humble servant returned from a trip to Nepal and India, a trip during which he heard nothing but praise for Israel. The most eloquent words I … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu dis, al khader, arson, Border Policeman, Delhi, disarm, gold medal, grand slam judo, gush etzion, hatikvah, hindu, ieds, Israel, israel flag, judo, judoka, marcus weiser, miriam naor, molotovs, no israel, Palestinians, profile in courage, rocks, social anthropology, Spring of Abraham, supreme court uae, tal flicker, terror, the Hagai House, Wadi Joz, wounded, Ya'bad | Comments Off on Profile in Courage: Judoka Tal Flicker in Abu Dhabi