Tag Archives: Great Britain

President Obama Crudely Dissembles Again: “What I Really Meant When I Said That ‘The U.S. Has Israel’s Back'”

UPDATE (6:00 pm Wednesday): Tonight Israelis are celebrating the holiday of Purim. Children can be seen in every neighborhood wearing costumes that recall the events surrounding Esther and Mordechai in Shushan, Iran thousands of years ago. This afternoon has southern Israel under missile attack … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged absurdly, again, aipac, appalling, ayatollahs, backpedal, backpedaling, barbed wire, benjamin, between, bomb shelters, brought, capital, celebration, cheering, children, chips are down, clarification, conclusions, context, costumes, count on, crowd, crudely, defense of israel, dissembles, drums of war, esther, fervent, final status, focus, fool me once, fool me twice, Gaza, give, go after, Great Britain, green light, hamas, himself, historically, humble servant, i have israel's back, inference, iran, iranian, ironic, Israel, Israeli, israels back, isreal, isreali, issue, Japan, Jerusalem, jump, june 4 2008, last election, maddening, military doctrine, misinterpret, misread, missiles, mordechai, negotiated, Netanyahu, nuclear facilities, Obama, obama meant, old saying, Palestinian, particular military action, patently, persia, portray, president, pro-israel, proxy, purim, reactions, recall, remove, rockets, season, self-serving, shame on me, shame on you, shred of doubt, shushan, southern israel, specifically informed, speech, sucker punch, suckerpunched, terrorists, to their feet, two parties, under attack, undivided, unseemly spectacle, untrue, what does that mean, what he really said, willingness | Comments Off on President Obama Crudely Dissembles Again: “What I Really Meant When I Said That ‘The U.S. Has Israel’s Back'”