Tag Archives: habayit hayehudi

No Shortage of Stupidity In The Neighborhood

NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL THE ISRAELI ELECTION: 17 ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party UPDATES 4:30 pm Israel time Saturday: **The weekly Palestinian riot at Bilin took place yesterday, aided and abetted … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a good deed, abetted, aided, Bilin, blood suckers, border fence, captured, civilian, daniel magrufta, dating, daughter, descendants of apes and pigs, eilat, fest, friday, Gaza, habayit hayehudi, IDF, if you were involved in killing a jew, international news media, iran, iranian jew, iron dome, Israel, israeli leftists, isreal, jewish home, jewish woman, killed, labor, land of Palestine, Lebanon, marry, massive, mecca, mentally unstable, missile, morsi, municipal siren, muslim, naftali bennett, Netanyahu, no shortage, number of days until the israeli election, Palestinian, passing bird, peppers, photo ops, plo, police, police commander, President obama, red alarm, revolutionary guards, riot, rocket, rocks, Saudi Arabia, security, security officials, shelly yachimovich, southern district, southern israel, state of palestine, stupidity, supermarket, system, tear gas, tires, tourist, tzipi livni, warmongers, yair lapid, yesh atid, yoram halevy, zionists | Comments Off on No Shortage of Stupidity In The Neighborhood