Tag Archives: happy

Israel’s Latest Effort At Peace Negotiations With The Palestinians: Going Nowhere, As Usual

UPDATE 5:30 pm Monday: An angry confrontation took place this afternoon at Tel Aviv University between 400 Israeli leftists seeking to commemorate the so-called Palestinian ‘Nakba’ and 200 protestors waving Israeli flags, singing Israeli songs, and carrying signs that read … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1949 armistice lines, Abu Mazen, amman, ashdod, beersheva, before they will sit down, borders, bridges, central issues, clear answers, commemorate, concessions, confrontation, did not represent, diplomacy, eastern jerusalem, eternal capital of israel, evacuation, fragmented, going nowhere, grounds, haifa, hanan ashrawi, happy, hebrew language, homes, hospitals, i'm proud to be israeli, Israel, israel and jordan, israel army, Israeli, israeli flags, israeli songs, isreal, Jerusalem, jewish neighborhoods, Judea, june 6 1967, latest effort, leadership, leftists, letter, life in the west bank is not so bad, Mahmoud Abbas, nakba, negotiations, Palestinian, palestinian executive committee, Palestinian state, Palestinians, peace, peace process, plo, president, protestors, ramallah, refugees, rejected, remains at the borders, restart, Samaria, saturday, schools, security, settlement, status quo, tel aviv, tel aviv university, to pieces, tunnels, undermining, update, wasil yousef, west bank, wipe israel off the map, yasser abed rabbo | Comments Off on Israel’s Latest Effort At Peace Negotiations With The Palestinians: Going Nowhere, As Usual