Tag Archives: Hebron Hills

Israel Launches an Attack on “Breaking the Silence”

4 Tiveth 5776 Wednesday, December 16 2015 UPDATES 6:00 pm Israel time ***Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . Early this morning, just before 2 am, another Palestinian bulldozer attack took place at the Qalandiya checkpoint. Three Border … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged adalah, Alon Shvut, anti-zionist, b'tselem, Belgium, bennett, bethany, breaking the silence, Denmark, education, El Moair, france, germany, Gisha, halhul, hamoked, Hebron Hills, im tirtzu, ireland, Israel, migdal oz, miluim, new israel fund, norway, Palestinian Fund Secretariat for Human Rights, Palestinians, Physicians for Human Rights, plo, ramallah, reservists, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, terror, the Mt. Hebron junction, The Netherlands | Comments Off on Israel Launches an Attack on “Breaking the Silence”