Tag Archives: idf spokesman

No Courage and No Resolve: Last Night’s Attack on Sderot

10 Sivan 5779 13 June 2019   The News on the Israeli Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . Along the Gaza border: Aside from the missile attack on Sderot last night (see Today’s Blog below), … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 18000 TEUs, a miracle, A-Ram, adalah, adolf hitler, Al Aruv, Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights, Azzun Junction, Bombing empty buildings, boykott the jews, chabad yeshiva, Deir Qadis, deterrence has eroded, empty compounds, empty dunes, European Court of Justice, explosive balloons, fields are burning, fire, fishermen have nothing to do with the balloons, front altair, gaza border, Genia, haifa, IDF code for doing nothing, idf spokesman, iranians, Israel, judea and samaria, karmei tzur, kokuka, labeled, largest crane in israel, limpet mines, making good on their threat to disrupt oil shipments, missile, persian gulf, port of ashdod, rechalim, sderot, security chaos in the south, simhoni, status quo, tekoa, their punishment is cruel and must be stopped, Why do Palestinian terrorists continue to bombard our community members in Judea and Samaria with Molotovs and rocks, Why do we continue to permit terrorists in Gaza to shoot missiles at us, Why doesn’t Israel exercise our sovereignty over the Temple Mount amidst a Jordanian-Palestinian takeover, Why have explosive balloons along the Gaza border become a way of life, Why is Israel currently negotiating our rights away with the PLO at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron, wine | Comments Off on No Courage and No Resolve: Last Night’s Attack on Sderot