Tag Archives: idf spokesman

The Missile Strikes Around Sderot Yesterday Afternoon

27 Cheshvan 5779 5 November 2018   Pictures of the Day: A few of the signs they are carrying: The students above are part of 100 students who left Sha’ar Hanegev Regional High School on a 5 day, 90 km (55 … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged absolves, archaeological site, attack, false alarm, fireworks, getting married, government inaction, guilt, hamas, hebron, high school students, hobbling, idf spokesman, iron dome, Jerusalem, jewishness, kerem shalom crossing, let us grow up in peace, lightning, machine gun, marching, mikvehs, missiles, palestinian truck drivers, rehabilitation clinic, sderot, shaar hanegev, tel hevron, ward, with impunity | Comments Off on The Missile Strikes Around Sderot Yesterday Afternoon