Tag Archives: idiotic

Now, As Always, Southern Israelis Will Pay The Price

UPDATES 8 am Israel time, Friday, November 1 2013: *Israeli military and political circles are agog this morning over the “anonymous CIA spokesman” revealing last evening that Israel carried out the attack on the Syrian missile base near Latakia, Syria … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged a pause, according to Hamas sources, agog, Alon Shuster, and shmoozing, and unresigning, As if the U.S. has a negotiating strategy, attack, birds of a feather negotiate together, carried out, chief Palestinian negotiator for life, chof ashkelon, cia, critical wound, cut them some slack, delay a bill, detonated, Erekat loves the high life with fancy clothes, expensive homes, firefight, future construction, Gaza, give the iranians a break, goddess, hamas terrorists, iaf, idiotic, increase sanction, iran, irony, Israel, Israeli, isreal, jen psaki, Jerusalem, kerry, latakia, livni, lobbying, Mahmoud Abbas, mistake for the IDF to pull out, no coherent middle east strategy, obama white house, of new sanctions, palestinian tactic, pay the price, resigning, russian sam 8 missiles, saeb erekat, senate, Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, soroka, southern israelis, suave, syrian missile base, tank shell, tehrans neck, the last idf soldier left yesterday, threatening to resign, three of its "fighters" were killed, throwing israel under the bus, tightening the noose, to provide flexibility, unctuous, unctuously, uss stout, We believe that congressional action needs to be aligned with our negotiating strategy, Yahalom Unit of the IDF's Corps of Engineers | Comments Off on Now, As Always, Southern Israelis Will Pay The Price