Tag Archives: illegal palestinian construction

Concessions, Concessions, and More Absurd Concessions

UPDATES 4 pm Israel time Tuesday: **The war in Syria continues to creep into the Israeli Golan Heights as al-Qaeda and other “rebel” groups set up their terrorist bases on the border with Israel. In the last week alone, three … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, arm, bethlehem, border, civil administration, cogat, concessions, contingents, defacing, defense ministry, destabilization, disband, dmz, dramatically escalated, flag, fund, golan heights, hamas, IDF, illegal palestinian construction, Israel, Israeli, isreal, jewish community, judea and samaria, missiles, mortar shell, moshe yaalon, naftali bennett, november, Obama, patrolling, plo, posters, President obama, quality of life, ramallah, razed, roll out, sanity, southern israel, supply, swastika, Syria, territory, terrorist bases, the welcome mat, violence, war, withdraw | Comments Off on Concessions, Concessions, and More Absurd Concessions