Tag Archives: immigration

Babies, Babies, Babies: The Patently False Demographic Argument Used Against Israel

UPDATE: Today has seen a rash of attempted stabbings of security personnel focused in the Hevron area. Elsewhere in Samaria, a Palestinian mob attempted to take a Israeli truck driver out of his vehicle and kill him; the driver was … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2001, 2010, aharonot, arabs, argument, attacks, authority, babies, ben yehuda, Chaja Zaslavsky-Kopilevitch, challenges, christian, data, december 7 1921, democracy, demographic, Dina Heller, driver, eder, eliezer, Esther Litvinovsky-Dayan, fertility, golan heights, hadassah, Hadassah Schedrovitzky-Sapir, Hanna Katznelson-Nesher, haredi, hebrew, Helena Kissin-Goldstein, henrietta, hevron, history, immigration, Israeli, Jerusalem, jews, Judea, Leah Satanovsky, mob, muslim, newborns, newspaper, nursing, orthodox, Palestinian, patently false, Penina Radofsky, Peninah Buchstetter, personnel, protest, Rachel Pesach-Rosenberg, Rivka Wolkenstein-Ezer, Rivka Yerushalmi-Cohen, Samaria, Sarah Hankin-Tesker, Sarah Shabtai-Shitrit, school, security, Shifra Chaikin-Rosy, Shoshanna Braz-Yefet, stabbings, statistics, szold, terrorist, Tikva Weinstein-Yalouz, Tova Pastersky, truck, Tsippora Horenstein, Tsippora Sabora’it-Ediger, two state, Tzippora Ashkenazy-Azoulay, university, yediot, Yehudit Alkalay, Zionist | Comments Off on Babies, Babies, Babies: The Patently False Demographic Argument Used Against Israel