Tag Archives: incendiary balloons

Amos Oz: In Memoriam (1939-2018)

20 Tevet 5779 28 December 2018   Picture of the Day: The snow keeps falling, and the more the better! One day when the snow melts, most of the runoff will eventually end up in the Kineret (Sea of Galilee).   The News … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict, Amos Oz, cancer, duma, french legion of honour, Gaza, Heinrich Heine Prize, hilltop youth, incendiary balloons, Iranian land bridge from Tehran to Beirut, israel prize, Kfar Maimon, Lebanese War of 2006, literary giant, memoriam, Moshav Zora, mount hermon, netivot, new Israeli-Arab party, oslo, peace now, sdot negev, shalom achshav, shin bet, snow, the Goethe Prize, the Prince of Asturias Award in Literature, torture, two state solution | Comments Off on Amos Oz: In Memoriam (1939-2018)