Tag Archives: infiltrate

The “Fashla” Of The Israel Defense Forces At The Kerem Shalom Crossing

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Tuesday: At 2:12 am this morning, there was an incoming Palestinian terrorist rocket alert for the Lachish and Negev regions of southern Israel. At 1:28 am, two Israelis were wounded  by “rocks” thrown by Palestinians … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2.5 kilometers, absolutely pathetic, alert, armored personnel carrier, attack, bedouins, benny gantz, blackly, border guard, break, Bulgaria, burgas, comedic, commandeer, community, cooperation, crossing, definition, description, detonating, dispatched, diversionary cover, door to door, dribbling out, egyptian army, egyptians, ehud barak, empty, explosive, fashla, fast, for reasons of preparedness, foul up, general staff, gross, hamas, hamdeen sabahi, hebrew slang, hole in the fence, iaf, IDF, idf base, idf spokesman, ineptitude, inexplicably, infiltrate, iran, islamic, Israel, israel defense forces, isreal, Kerem Shalom, keystone cops, lachish, lack of preparedness, large truck, liberal, light arms fire, ludicrous, massive, mess, michmash, missile, mortar, mossad, Muslim Brotherhood, negev, of the first order, operation, painfully clear, Palestinian, public road, rafah, rafah crossing, Ramadan, ramming, ready, rearming, regions, rocket, rocks, scene, screw up, search, shin bet, sinai, sophisticated, southern, stupid action, suicide, take out, tal russo, terrorist, thwarting, trailed, troops on the ground, two vehicles, unfazed, vests, watchtower, weapons, western fence, what a joke, woeful, wounded, yoav mordechai, zionist plot | Comments Off on The “Fashla” Of The Israel Defense Forces At The Kerem Shalom Crossing