Tag Archives: Iranian Revolutionary guards

Soleimani Is Waiting For You!

14-15 Tivet 5780 11-12 January 2020     WARNING: A GRAPHIC PHOTO APPEARS BELOW   Photo of the Day The two “holy martyrs”–Baha’a Abu Alta and Qasem Soleimani–who “sacrificed their lives fighting for Jerusalem” (note the Kipa HaSela between the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged assassination, Baha'a Abu Alta, bethlehem, church of the nativity, fake news, fighting for Jerusalem, Gaza, graphic photo, holy martyrs, incoming missile, Iranian Revolutionary guards, jack, jeopardy, karbala brigade, katie, Kipa HaSela, lebanon border, machine gun fire, Nahal Oz, Nasrallah, no terror, penetrated, Qasem Soleimani, sacrificed their lives, Shujayiah, Soleimani is waiting for you, terrorist, The fear and terror that Soleimani struck in Israel continues, There is no fear, trebeck, warning, We will track you down | Comments Off on Soleimani Is Waiting For You!