Tag Archives: israeli citizens

Post 1: Israel’s Pathetic Excuses. Post 2: Mahmoud Abbas: “Israel Orchestrated Terror Plot In Negev”

Post 2: 12:30 pm. All remains quiet on the southern front. This morning, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who has been conspicuously silent about the terrorist attack on Israeli civilians in the Negev last Thursday (except to petition the United … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged does nothing, doesn't do anything, dome, Egypt, Gaza, IDF, iron, Israel, israeli citizens, israelis, Jerusalem, libya, palestinian authority, People's Resistance Committees, post, PRC, southern israel, special relationship, Syria, terrorists, U.N., u.s., UN, united nations | Comments Off on Post 1: Israel’s Pathetic Excuses. Post 2: Mahmoud Abbas: “Israel Orchestrated Terror Plot In Negev”