Tag Archives: israeli stage

The Israeli “Left”: “The Search For Ways To Survive Spiritual Ruin In A Ruined World”

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Sunday: Welcome to the new democratic country of Egypt—Saturday’s editions of Egypt’s Al-Dustour newspaper were confiscated by government security forces on charges of “fueling sedition” by “harming President Morsi through phrases and wording punishable by law.” … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 64 years, accomplished, acting teacher, al dustour, american born, Amos Oz, arabs, bizarrely, bloody, blowing their friends and families apart, bomb shelters, by law, confidence, confiscated, critique israeli myths, czeslaw milosz, david grossman, dawn, delegitimize, delusional, democratic, despair, determination, disconnected, documentary theater, done little, ecstasy, Egypt, elderly, embraced, Erdogan, eshkol region, fima, folly, fueling sedition, Gaza, government, harming, herzliya ensemble theater, hold hands, humble servant, incoming, inspiring chilton, intelligentsia, interacts, islamist, Israeli, israeli director, israeli stage, isreali, jerusalem post, kerem shalom crossing, learned its lessons, left, lost, military, missiles, muslims and jews, newspaper, niche, nola chilton, officers, open people, optimism, oslo peace accords, Palestinian, palestinians and israelis, peaceful coexistence, people of all stripes, phrases and wording, polish author, poor, post zionist, president morsi, pretext, proud, proudly perceived, psychosis, punishable, qassams, rafah crossing, recover, relevant, replacing, rockets, sacking, search for ways to survive spiritual ruin in a ruined world, second intifada, security forces, seen and heard, shook their heads, sing kumbaya, slogans, southern israel, strengthen, suicide bombings, tel aviv, terrorists, theater of testimony, Turkish, university, update, utopian, wars, weathered, why we are in pain, why we are so lost, wrung their hands, yasser arafat, yellow wind, Zionism | Comments Off on The Israeli “Left”: “The Search For Ways To Survive Spiritual Ruin In A Ruined World”