Tag Archives: jewish community

333 Presbyterians Take A Courageous Stand Against BDS

UPDATE 9 am Israel time: At 6:40 am this morning, a little over two hours ago, Sderot came under rocket attack from Hamas Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. At 7:39 am, a terrorist rocket struck at the Israeli men, women, and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged against, anti-Israel, arabic, as a jew, BDS, bid, boycott divest sanction, caterpillar, chinese, christian, codepink, colludes, courageous, crackdown, criticize with love, dalyiat carmel, Davis, delegitimize, demonize, divest, druse, eshkol region, Flotilla, gays, Gaza, gods teaching, haaretz, hamas, hanging, hewlitt packard, human rights, interfaith, iran, Israel, israels good name, isreal, jewish community, jewish voice for peace, Judea, massacre, membership qualification, methodist church, missile, moderator, motorola, muslims, nahida halaby gordon, national middle eastern, Nigeria, northern california, on the planet, Palestinian, pathetic, peace, peace and justice, praised, presbyterians, rabidly, rae abileah, reputation, rocket, Samaria, sderot, stand, steal, students for justice in palestine, Syria, terrrorists, thanked, the guts, tibet, to stand up for what is right, true friendship, Turkish, university of california, update, veolia, water project, we love iran, you shall not steal | Comments Off on 333 Presbyterians Take A Courageous Stand Against BDS