Tag Archives: jordan river

“What is all the yelling about?”

UPDATES 10:00 am Israel time, Wednesday, November 6 2013: **A court in Jerusalem has just acquitted Avigdor Lieberman of all charges. He is free to return to his position of Foreign Minister of Israel immediately. So comes to an end … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 167 bombings, 18th anniversary, 1994, absolutely, acquitted, almagor, april 19 2008, april 6 1994, assad, avigdor lieberman, back on the street, bloodiest, blown to pieces, boycott, chemical weapons, code words, court, descent, divide jerusalem, dysfunction, europe, for justice in palestine, foreign minister, fraud, free, golan heights, hidden, Israel, israeli concessions, isreal, Jerusalem, jewish free, john kerry, jordan river, judea and samaria, just appropriate and fair, Kerry refused to meet with representatives of the bereaved families, kill more israelis, lay a wreathe, liza hameiri, medjool dates, miles apart, moral turpitude, murderous terrorists, nazi past, oslo accords, Palestinian, photo-op, pilgrimage site, plo, positively, rabin memorial, rabin square, releases., shimon peres, sickening, stand by israel, suicide bombings, surrender, Syria, tel aviv, terror victims, tesco, tommy molcho, tzipi livni, unmitigated catastrophe, us roadmap, we just booed, west bank, what is all the yelling about, while he pushes for the release of those who murdered their loved ones, white house, worldwide laughingstock, yelling, yellow circles, yellow stars of david | Comments Off on “What is all the yelling about?”