Tag Archives: june 5 1967

Not the Angel of “Mercy” . . . the Angel of “Hamas”

24 Sivan 5778 7 June 2018   Special Notice: June 5, 1967-June 10, 1967: Six days that changed history June 7, 1967 was a momentous day in Israeli history. It was the day on which the Temple Mount and the Western Wall … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged affiliated with Hamas, ambulance, angel of mercy, azzun, burning, cause celebre, faux medics, ferries terrorists, gas bomb, gaza border, gilad, hevron, human shield, Israel, Judea, June 10 1967, june 5 1967, karmei tzur, liberated, Migdalot, Nahal Oz, najjar, near Elon Moreh, netivot, on Road 446 north of the Ni'lin Checkpoint, palestinian propaganda machine, Samaria, Six days that changed history, tekoa, temple mount, the Tapuach Junction, throw another one of our soldiers under the bus, western wall | Comments Off on Not the Angel of “Mercy” . . . the Angel of “Hamas”