Tag Archives: just

We Have The Right, And Therefore The Obligation, To Speak Out And To Act

UPDATE: The Likud primaries are being held today. As soon as the results are known, they will be posted on israelstreet breaking news. The IDF arrests two Palestinian terrorists overnight who were released in the Gilad Shalit exchange deal. TODAY’S … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged act, against all odds, all the time, ambivalence, american, anti, anti-Semitism, appeaser, arrest, beacon, bizarre, blood spilled, Canada, children, churchill, clarity, combat, communism, conference, conflict, convenient, criticized, crocodile, darkness, deal, dear reader, defense, delegitimization, democratic, demonization, double standards, entity, everyone, everywhere, evil, existence, expedient, fascism, feed, figuratively, for good, foreign, freedom, german-jewish, get along, gilad, go along with, hadassah, hamas, herzliya, human rights, humans, IDF, imbalanced, inhuman, injustice, Israel, isreal, january 31 1936, jewish homeland, jewish state, john baird, just, la juive, language, light in the world, likud, literally, lives lost, mental disease, metropolitan opera, minister, moral, morally obligated, Netanyahu, never shied away, new york, no greater friend, no space, obligation, one-sided, organization, ottawa, palestine, Palestinian, peace, podium, popular, primaries, prime minister, principled, protocol, region, released, relentless, resolutions, resonate, right, rule of law, schalit, scourge, security, semitism, Shalit, shared humanity, singled out, source, speak out, speechless, struggle, take a stand, terrorist, terrorists, the new, this day in israeli history, threaten, two states, UN, under attack, united nations, update, use our freedom, victims, western, what have you don for israel today, winston, women, word and deed, world wars, Zionist | Comments Off on We Have The Right, And Therefore The Obligation, To Speak Out And To Act