Tag Archives: kidnapping

The Dangerous and Surreal Nuclear World Of Dabaa

UPDATE: Palestinian terrorists throw grenades at Israeli vehicles along Highway 6o overnight. 5 Palestinians arrested in Judea and Samaria. TODAY’S BLOG: Your humble servant wonders if you have ever heard of Dabaa, or more precisely El-Dabaa.  Dabaa is located on … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 184, accepting, al qaeda, al-ahram, al-mabhouh, arrested, assassinated, barbed wire, bedouins, bids, Cairo, chalets, clashes, coast, compensation, concrete wall, control, dabaa, deluxe, dubai, Egypt, egyptian, el-dabaa, experts, first, grenades, hamas, highway 60, hotel, humble servant, injured, interpol, iran, Israeli, izz ad-Din, january 19 2010, judea and samaria, kidnapping, libya, mahmoud, mediterranean, military, most wanted, murder, newspaper, nuclear, nuclear power, nuclear scientists, Palestinian, plant, purchasing arms, radical islamist, radioactive, radioactive material, released, road, sheep, soldiers, stolen, surreal, suspects, tendering, tending, terrorists, this day in israeli history, throw, towers, under construction, under the radar, update, upset, vehicles, winding, world | Comments Off on The Dangerous and Surreal Nuclear World Of Dabaa