Tag Archives: kilometer

The 10 Worst Decisions Ever Made By An Israeli Government (Part 2)

UPDATE: Kfir Brigade captures 7 wanted Palestinians overnight. TODAY’S BLOG: Today, your humble servant continues with his list of the top 10 worst decisions ever made by Israeli governments. If you missed the first five yesterday, here they are again: … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1979, 1983, 2006, air force, amjad, arafat, awad, bomb shelters, border, brigade, brilliant, buses, cast lead, children, Clinton, death, decisions, defeated, destruction, disaster, discos, disengagement, do nothing, egyptian, end of hope, family, Fogel, government, hakim, hamas, Hezbollah, hotels, IDF, infant, international control of jerusalem, international effort, islamic, Israeli, itzhak, Jerusalem, Judea, kadima, kfir, kilometer, kippur, land for peace, launching, Lebanon, life, markets, movement, Nasrallah, national, nations, no peace with israel, northern, november 28 1995, nowhere, olmert, one, operation, oslo accords, pad, palestinian covenant, Palestinians, paratroopers, peace train, peres, prison, qassams, rabin, refugees, religious, repatriation, restaurants, rockets, safe, Samaria, schools, sderot, security guards, sentence, separation fence, sinai, sitting ducks, south, southern israel, stabbing, suicide bombers, syrian, temple mount, terrorist, transfer land, UN, unilateral, united, wakf, wiped out, withdraw, withdrawal, worst, yamit, yom | Comments Off on The 10 Worst Decisions Ever Made By An Israeli Government (Part 2)