Tag Archives: kol akevod

A Journey Back In Time To The Second Temple: The Peki’in Synagogue (Day 2 Of Our Travels In Northern Israel)

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Wednesday: Great news from Sacramento, California this morning! We have just learned that the Sacramento City Council has voted unanimously to accept the proposal to make Sacramento and Ashkelon sister cities. Many thanks are due … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 586 years later, 70 ce, amazing memorabilia, arabs, ark of the covenant, ashdod, ashkelon, back in time, base, BDS, beit jann, belloq, bimah, burned, byzantines, california, chof ashkelon, coffee, crusaders, disinformation campaign, druse, druze, escape, first temple, Gaza, glass encased, great news, great temple, holy of holies, humble servant, Indiana, indiana jones, Jerusalem, jewish belief, jewish voice for peace, josephus, journey, judaism, king solomon, kol akevod, lebanese border, limonana, lulav, mamluks, marble column, margolit zinati, massive, menorah, mt meron, northern galilee, ottomans, palestinian terrorists, passing through history, peki'in synagogue, raiders of the lost ark, reincarnation, roman legions, romans, sacramento, sacramento city council, salvage, second temple, shlach parashah, shofar, sister cities, southern israel, survives, swell with emotion, tenacity, the key, this is history, titus, torah scroll, trip to the north, turks, unbroken line, update, vespasian, village sqare | Comments Off on A Journey Back In Time To The Second Temple: The Peki’in Synagogue (Day 2 Of Our Travels In Northern Israel)