Tag Archives: lebanese border

1155 Nautical Miles/1329 Miles?

6 Elul 5780 26 August 2020     The News on the Israeli Street The daily Corona (Covid-19) update as of 8 am this morning . . . There are 106,460 confirmed cases—an increase of 1,988 since this time yesterday  83,822 … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged combat radius, Corona, covid 19, double the range, drop tanks, F 35, fires, fuel deliveries, having the highest number of new coronavirus infections per capita in the world, Hezbollah, inhumane, Israel, laser system, lebanese border, lockheed martin, Margaliot, Menara, miles, Misgav Am, nautical miles, Netanyahu, pompeo, refueling, regional peace conference, stealth, straight line distance, the dubious distinction, the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, timeanddate.com, uae, update, yiftach | Comments Off on 1155 Nautical Miles/1329 Miles?