Tag Archives: liberation

The Charter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

UPDATES 7 pm Israeli time Thursday: **The Karni Shomron junction continues to be the scene of attempted terrorist events. This afternoon, a Palestinian terrorist attempted to run over an Israeli policeman. The picture below documents his arrest: **The Gaza Border … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1947, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, agressive, armed struggle, armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine, balfour declaration, beachfront, charter, commando action, defense speding, destiny, evicted, expanionist, facade, fascist, fighters, gaza border fence, GDP, homeland, IDF, Israel, Israeli, july 1-17 1968, karni shomron, liberation, libya, machine, national struggle, occupation, palestine, palestinian identity, palestinian liberation organization, phase, plo, public relations, qawimyya, shekels, three mottoes, victory, warning fire, watani, wataniyya, we want peace, Zionist, zionist invasion | Comments Off on The Charter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)