Tag Archives: local

“The Holy City of Jerusalem, The Capital of Israel”

UPDATE: Palestinian terrorists fire on IDF soldiers in Ramallah overnight. Terrorists escape. TODAY’S BLOG: Today, your humble servant is giving a presentation in a local synagogue entitled “Jerusalem: The Undivided Capital of Israel.” Apparently that makes me a racist. Earlier … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abdullah tal, al-massri, ambassador, biased, blown to pieces, capital, captured, centers, city, commander, daniel nevo, deface, destruction, did nothing, dynamite, ethnic cleansing, fire on, graffiti, happy new year, holy, hurva, IDF, intact, international community, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, jerusalem the undivided capital of israel, jewish quarter, jordan, jordanian, legion, libraries, local, loot, no jew, not a single jew, old city, Palestinian, parliamentary, racist, ramallah, ransack, reuben, reuven, rivlin, slum, soldiers, speakers, starved, submission, surrender, synagogue, synagogues, tahar, terminology, terrorists, united nations, vandalism, western wall | Comments Off on “The Holy City of Jerusalem, The Capital of Israel”