Tag Archives: maaleh adumim

How Did The Israel Civil Administration Become So Rabidly Anti-Israeli?

22 Tevet 5778 9 January 2018   Two Idiotic Quotes of the Day: First: “We have to start with an interim solution for 10 years and then get to the Jerusalem issue. When we reach Jerusalem and the holy places, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu dis, al-aqsa, ariel, awarta, azzun, bedouins, Beit Sira, betar illit, bougie herzog, Burqa, civil administration, Deir Nizam, demolition orders, e1, Hezbollah, hizma, Husan, illegal, iran, Israel, jihalin, josephs tomb, judea and samaria, maaleh adumim, ofra, Palestinians, Safa, Saudi Arabia, shilo, Syria, the Postal Junction, the Rechalim Junciton, Tikwah, weapons depots | Comments Off on How Did The Israel Civil Administration Become So Rabidly Anti-Israeli?