Tag Archives: making

The Horrific Carnage in Toulouse: “Why Does It Not Seem Odd?”

UPDATE (6:00 pm Wednesday): No terrorist incidents reported in the last 24 hours. TODAY’S BLOG: In a normal world, the following aspects of the horrific murders of Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his two sons (3-year-old and 6-year-old Gabriel and Arieh), and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged additional, afghan, afghanistan, algerian, allowed, arieh, ashton, attacks, bomb, broke out, bullets, catherine, cemetery, children, citizen, claim, community, correctness, descent, did nothing, face of, fanatics, fire, france, french, funeral, gabriel, gun, har hamenuchot, head, horrific, humble servant, in house, in revenge for, incident, islam, islamic, islamist, Jerusalem, Jewish, jihadist, jonathan, kandahar, kill, making, merah, miriam, mohammed, monsonego, mother, mujahadeen, murders, muslim, no knowledge, not odd, Palestinian, paralyze, perpetuate, police, political, prevent, previous, prison, prison break, province, questioned, religion of peace, salafist, sandler, school, scooter, silent, slaughter, surrounded, Taliban, terrorism, terrorist, the planet, toulouse, track, unimpeded, united nations, update, vicious, warrior, why | Comments Off on The Horrific Carnage in Toulouse: “Why Does It Not Seem Odd?”