Tag Archives: mentally unstable

Insanity and Sanity: Reactions to Yesterday’s Iranian Revelations

16 Iyar 5778 1 May 2018     Alerts In The Last Hour: From the IDF to residents of southern Israel: “In the coming hours, there will be more massive attacks than usual in Egypt in the area of the triangle … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2014, alerts, arava, beit ummar, ben dari, bombardment, bunker busting bombs, China, conversion, dead sea, descendants of Jews, earthquake, Egypt, El Khader, European Mediterranean Seismological Center, flood alert for the Negev Desert, fraudulent diplomacy, fundraising, Gao Yichen, gilead, hide from the world, iaea, IDF sappers defused an IED, international atomic energy agency, invested, Iran cannot be trusted, Iranian Nuclear Weapons Appeasement Agreement, Israel, Israel Meteorological Service, itamar, john kerry, kaifeng, karmi tzur, kidnap or kill Israelis, kochav yair, Li Chengjin, Li Jing, Li Yuan, Lulu, massive attacks, mendacity, mentally unstable, Nahal Oz, Netanyahu, no credible signs, not only on trust, nuclear weapons development and production, P5+1 countries, Palestinian terrorist blew himself up, plastic bottles, President obama, Psagot, sewage, Syria, tekoa, the triangle of borders, trash, trump, two-year conversion process, where Gaza Egypt and Israel come together, world, Yue Ting | Comments Off on Insanity and Sanity: Reactions to Yesterday’s Iranian Revelations