Tag Archives: moderation

IDF Message To Hamas: Fire On Ashkelon, Beersheva, and Ashdod!

UPDATE: Another night, more rockets. The citizens of the Sdot Negev Regional Council (the communities of: Alumim, Sa’ad, Beit HaGadi, Givolim, Kfar Maimon, Magalim, Mlilot, Sharsheret, Shibolim, Shokeda, Shuva, Tkuma, Tushia, Yoshivia, Zru’a, Zimrat) were assaulted in the middle of the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged aharonot, air force, Alumim, angry, anti-missile, anwar, ashdod, ashkelon, assaulted, attack, battery, beersheva, Beit HaGadi, bigger, bomb shelter, broadcast, Cairo, calibrate, central israel, citizens, closer look, consternation, council, deploy, direct talks, disaster, down, effective, egyptian, exact hour, february 20 1971, film, fire, Gaza, Givolim, guess what, haifa, hamas, humble servant, IDF, inability, incompetence, intercept, iran, iron dome, irredentism, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, Kfar Maimon, learn, Magalim, man of peace, message, metropolitan area, Mlilot, moderation, moved, negev, no missiles, north, odd decision, oil refinery, open season, Palestine national council, Palestinians, passivity, past mistakes, permit, permits, plo, preconditions, pummeled, reading newspapers, recipe, regional, reservations, residents, resolution 242, run, Sa'ad, sadat, sdot, Sharsheret, Shibolim, Shokeda, Shuva, simulate, southern israel, system, tel aviv, terrorist, this date in israeli history, Tkuma, Tushia, undefended, update, victory, watching tv, yediot, Yoshivia, Zimrat, Zru'a | Comments Off on IDF Message To Hamas: Fire On Ashkelon, Beersheva, and Ashdod!